Social Initiatives of MDSA

Social consciousness has been an integral part of MDSA and its parent organisation MUSS. As individuals change, so does the society they live in. It naturally follows that, as more and more individuals practise the spiritual path, or dharam, the social consciousness finds a new direction, towards eradicating social evils and the prejudices caused by ignorance and lack of understanding. As Shri Maharaj Ji says, the spiritual person cannot stand by and watch injustice and do nothing about it.

To pursue this goal, MDSA has been working with other Social organisations. These organisations have been active in their special domains and have achieved critical acclaim.

  • MDSA liaises regularly with Yaadein Vision Australia, a grass-roots charitable society which assists underprivileged children in Fiji and also provides extensive disaster relief in times of natural calamities such as floods and cyclones, most recently in the aftermath of Cyclone Winston in February 2016.
  • In 2008, MDSA collaborated with Wattle Grove Toastmasters International to organise a Youth Leadership Program.

Natural disasters are times of desperation. A collective effort is required to restore what has been lost. In line with this humanitarian ethos, MDSA has contributed to various relief efforts over the past few years.

  • Disaster relief in the wake of Cyclone Winston in Fiji (in conjunction with ‘United Fijian Community’)
  • Diabetes Awareness Seminar series (in conjunction with NSW Health)
  • Nepal Earthquake disaster relief
  • Purchase of stationery for needy students (Bal Vikas Group)
  • Donation towards Uttarkhand Flood, India
  • Yoga Classes – commenced in 2012
  • Children’s Sunday School (Bal Vikas Group) – commenced in 2012
  • Women’s Health Program in collaboration with NSW Health
  • Donation towards 2012 Fiji Flood Appeal 
  • Community Cleaning Projects – commenced in 2011
  • Scholarship for two Aboriginal Students through AEC – 2010
  • Fundraising for 2010 Chilean Earthquake
  • Donated to 2011 Queensland Flood Relief
  • Youth Leadership Training (in conjunction with Toastmasters International) – 2008
  • Donation towards other temples in Australia

With Shri Maharaj Ji’s patronage and guidance, MDSA is working for the betterment of society. We are open to more such projects in future, so if you would like to partner with us, please do not hesitate to contact us.